There are boxes and then there’s CORS-AIR BOX
Thanks to an airflow in-depth study, the main functional feature of our CORS-AIR BOX is the optimized torque curve provided to our Black Devil, Black Bull and Black Bee, and the increased engines stability at low RPM range and great performance at high RPM range.
Because of the airflow in 2- channels mode distribution, one positioned lower, and one higher on the CORS-AIR box we could break the soundwaves making our box sound quieter.
CORS-AIR box comes with its rubber junction and foam filter attached, making the maintenance of the foam filter very easy, since it can be removed and inspected just pulling it out through the rubber junction, one of the best product on the market.
We developed the air box in one part so to avoid any annoying fuel leakages and keep the box always perfectly cleaned.
The aerodynamic shape of the CORS-AIR box ensures a linear flow from propeller, which is now in its best performance environment.
CORS-AIR box is complete with a safety system, we have been the first to understand how important was to fix the air box to the engine and not to the frame, firstly ensuring it with a metal support and now with this connecting system that grants flexibility and maximum security in the simplest yet the most effective way.
The goal was to reach all these results without having just a box but developing a component with a unique design, and a new way to think at PPG engine.